Publishing The Many Languages of Science There are more than 7000 languages in the world. So how do you make sure science communication, which typically happens in English, is accessible to everyone? In this blog post, Kanika Khanna tells us how to engage in and feel comfortable talking about science in a non-English language. Kanika Khanna 10 Nov 2022 • 4 min read
Accessible Science Becoming a hearing ally: how do you best accommodate non-hearing scientists? Creating an inclusive environment means listening to, and adopting suggestions to overcome barriers faced by people from different backgrounds and abilities. How do you best tailor our scientific research culture to deaf and hard-of-hearing scientists? Tom (Lok Ming) Tam 6 May 2021 • 6 min read
Accessible Science The real-life experience of a deaf scientist studying in different cultures How does studying in societies with varying degree of unconscious biases change the opportunities of deaf people to become successful scientists? Read the analysis of this topic through the eyes of a foreign deaf scientist in the US. Tom (Lok Ming) Tam 25 Feb 2021 • 6 min read
Accessible Science The Invisible Barriers in STEM Education faced by Hard-of-hearing/Deaf Scientists The difficulties faced by hard-of-hearing/deaf early career scientists not only come from physiological differences but also significantly from stereotypes that exist against us. What kind? Read about it in this article. Tom (Lok Ming) Tam 21 Jan 2021 • 6 min read
Accessible Science Disability in STEM: A conversation with Dr. Mahita Jarjapu Science is difficult, but becomes even more so if you have a disability. In this interview, Dr. Mahita Jarjapu sheds light on her journey as a deaf scientist, sharing with us the biggest challenges in her career, and giving suggestions on how we can contribute to make science more accessible. Madhumala Sadanandappa 14 Jan 2021 • 6 min read
Editorial ecrLife: Towards a more accessible and inclusive scientific culture Succeeding as an ECR means overcoming challenges, but we should all have equal opportunity to achieve our goals. Realizing that much needs to be done to make our scientific environment more inclusive, ecrLife is creating a space to share experiences and ideas to make science more accessible ecrLife editors, Nele Haelterman 7 Jan 2021 • 2 min read