Life in Science How to overcome your academic midlife crisis (Part 1 – navigating your feelings and establishing your goals) Academic training takes many twists and turns, and, over time, our passions and goals may evolve. This can be confusing, but it offers an opportunity to reflect upon what brings us joy. Here, Nele Haelterman shares how she faced this uncertainty and came out with a clearer view of her path forward. Nele Haelterman 6 Mar 2025 • 5 min read
Publishing Why you should publish your work as a Preprint - A conversation with Dr. Prachee Avasthi We had the chance to talk to Prachee Avasthi, president of ASAPBio, who answered all our questions about preprints. She showed us how early career scientists can get involved in the publishing and reviewing process of preprints, and how it can benefit us all! Nele Haelterman, ecrLife editors 1 Apr 2021 • 7 min read
Editorial ecrLife: Towards a more accessible and inclusive scientific culture Succeeding as an ECR means overcoming challenges, but we should all have equal opportunity to achieve our goals. Realizing that much needs to be done to make our scientific environment more inclusive, ecrLife is creating a space to share experiences and ideas to make science more accessible ecrLife editors, Nele Haelterman 7 Jan 2021 • 2 min read