ecrLife is a place for early career researchers (ECRs) to share stories, ideas and experiences about their journey in science. We publish submitted articles in a variety of themes ranging from peer-review, scientific publishing, research funding to life in science.
ecrLife was started in 2018 by Dr. Steven Burgess, a member of the first eLife Ambassadors program and is supported by eLife, the premier open-access life science research journal. The site however, is editorially independent of eLife and opinions expressed in articles published here belong solely to the respective authors.

Angel Cisneros
Co-Managing Editor
Angel is a PhD student at Laval University in Québec City, Canada. His research focuses on the evolution of protein-protein interactions. He has authored several articles on science communication featured in ecrLife, Genes to Genomes and Science Trends. Follow Angel on Twitter @AngelFCC119

Nele Haelterman
Co-Managing Editor
Nele is a developmental biologist and geneticist in heart and soul. She worked as a science editor with The Scientist's Creative Services Team and recently joined Baylor College of Medicine as Assistant Professor to study the cellular and molecular pathways that mediate joint pain. Nele is a former eLife Community Ambassador with a drive to positively impact her immediate environment and the scientific community as a whole. Follow Nele on Twitter @HaeltermanNele

Ewoud Compeer
Ewoud is a postdoc in immunology at the University of Oxford where he investigates cell remodelling that drives efficient immune cell-cell communication required for adequate immune responses. Follow Ewoud on Twitter @ewoudcompeer

Adelita Mendoza
Adelita is a post-doctoral research associate at Washington University in St. Louis Missouri. Her research focuses on the role of lysosomes in zinc homeostasis in C. elegans and human model systems. In addition to her research, she is passionate about DEIA issues and science communication. Follow Adelita on Twitter @AdelitaMendoza7

Devang Mehta
Devang is a member of eLife's Early Career Advisory Group and a postdoctoral researcher in plant genomics at the University of Alberta in Canada. Devang has previously written about research culture for Nature and is a science communicator with work featured in Massive Science, WHYY (NPR), Slate, Salon, and the Wire among others. Follow Devang on Twitter @drdevangm

Antonia De Maio
Antonia is a postdoctoral research and geneticist at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, where she investigates the role of chemical modifications on the activity of small-RNAs in Caenorhabditis elegans. Follow her on Twitter @AntoniaDeMaio2

Carolina Makowski
Carolina is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California San Diego with a background in neuroscience, psychiatry and brain imaging. Apart from editing ecrLife, Carolina also edits the blog of the Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group for the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Follow her on Twitter @carolinamak15
Andy Tay
Andy is a member of eLife's Early Career Advisory Group and is shortly starting his own research group in bioengineering at the National University of Singapore. Andy is a prolific science writer and his work has appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Scientist, Naturejobs, Science and more.
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